World class research

and development.

World class research

and development.

World class research

and development.

Our commitment to rigorous scientific inquiry ensures that our products are reliable and effective.

Our commitment to rigorous scientific inquiry ensures that our products are reliable and effective.


Days of Data

We draw on over eight million days of real-world data to capture health, lifestyle and behavior patterns at scale that inform our research



Our models are validated on half a million profiles from around the world, ensuring our findings are inclusive, reliable and widely applicable.


Clinical Samples

We have collected tens of thousands of clinical assessments, allowing us to build foundational health and behavioral models.

Evidence-based Approach

Guided by State-of-Art Literature

Backed by cutting-edge research in digital phenotyping through internal and external research projects collaborating with leading universities and research organisations.

Verified with Internal Studies

We conduct our own studies to verify these findings using our extensive dataset

Driven by Domain Expertise

Our team of PhDs collaborate with leading professors to ensure the highest standards of research and development

Research Studies

We regularly publish scientific white papers, studies on the topic of digital phenotyping within applications.

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