Sahha Platform Pricing

The full spectrum of game-changing features,

unlocked at any scale.





For development use only for up to 25 users

All products & features

30 days of unlimited access

Limited deployment

Basic support

Community access

Fully Unlocked

Fully Unlocked

Starting from $199 / per month

Starting from $199 / per month

Up to 1,000 users. Additional users are price from $0.10 ea.

All products & features

Production deployment

Unlimited Sandbox access

Multiple projects

100+ Sandbox users

Priority support

Community access



Talk with us

Talk with us

Our team will work with you on a price that suits your project. Conditions apply.

All products & features

Production deployment

Unlimited Sandbox access

Multiple projects

100+ Sandbox users

Implementation Support

Priority support

Community access

Products & Features

Sahha hosts a rich catelogue of products and features perfectly crafted for you to collect, analyze and discover powerful insights from health, lifestyle and behavioral data.


Understand how users are commonly grouped by behavior and lifestyle with Sahha Archetypes

Health Scores

Simple metrics to measure user health and wellbeing across Sleep, Activity, Readiness and Mental Wellbeing

Digital Biomarkers

Over 100 bespoke biomarkers to utilize within your applications

Real-time on-device data

Utilize local device data to capture real-time health information from the device


Stream and monitor data from Sahha to any URL you provide

Rest API

Retrieve Sahha data from a variety of endpoints at your disposal

Sleep Data API

Passively analyze user sleep health using

Wellbeing Data API

Easily measure user wellbeing with the Sahha Wellbeing Score

Fitness Data API

Capture user fitness, activity and workout data from smartphones or wearables devices

Integrate with CXP

Push data to your CRM to enrich customer profiles

HealthKit Data SDK

Easily get realtime health stats directly from your iOS devices



Understand how users are commonly grouped by behavior and lifestyle with Sahha Archetypes

Health Scores

Simple metrics to measure user health and wellbeing across Sleep, Activity, Readiness and Mental Wellbeing

Digital Biomarkers

Over 100 bespoke biomarkers to utilize within your applications

Real-time on-device data

Utilize local device data to capture real-time health information from the device


Stream and monitor data from Sahha to any URL you provide



Understand how users are commonly grouped by behavior and lifestyle with Sahha Archetypes

Health Scores

Simple metrics to measure user health and wellbeing across Sleep, Activity, Readiness and Mental Wellbeing

Digital Biomarkers

Over 100 bespoke biomarkers to utilize within your applications

Real-time on-device data

Utilize local device data to capture real-time health information from the device


Stream and monitor data from Sahha to any URL you provide

Rest API

Retrieve Sahha data from a variety of endpoints at your disposal

Sleep Data API

Passively analyze user sleep health using

Wellbeing Data API

Easily measure user wellbeing with the Sahha Wellbeing Score


Experience the power of Sahha.

Start testing Sahha in minutes with our free sandbox account.

Experience the power of Sahha.

Start testing Sahha in minutes with our free sandbox account.

Experience the power of Sahha.

Start testing Sahha in minutes with our free sandbox account.