Sync data between MyFitnessPal and Sahha
Your iOS app users will need to perform a one-time connection between MyFitnessPal and Apple Health on their iOS device.
Once the user has completed this process, the Sahha SDK will be able to collect the synced MyFitnessPal health data directly from Apple Health without any further effort from the user.
Connecting to Apple Health
Follow these steps:
Launch the MyFitnessPal app for iPhone
Tap More••• (lower right corner of the home screen) > Settings > Sharing & Privacy > HealthKit Sharing
You will then be presented with options for linking to Health, and for selecting the types of data you permit MyFitnessPal and Apple Health to share. We would suggest turning all categories on, and then tapping Allow.
This data-type selection screen inside the MyFitnessPal app will appear only the very first time that you authorize HealthKit Sharing in our app.
Your Android app users will need to perform a one-time connection between MyFitnessPal and Health Connect on their Android device.
Once the user has completed this process, the Sahha SDK will be able to collect the synced MyFitnessPal health data directly from Health Connect without any further effort from the user.
Connecting to Health Connect
To Link Health Connect:
Open MyFitnessPal app
Find Apps & Devices under the Menu
Search for Health Connect and then tap Connect.
Turn the integration On and then allow all permissions (needed for sync to work properly)
Finally, Tap Done to finish the set up.
Health Connect is only compatible with Android Version 10 or higher as well as MyFitnessPal Android Version 22.22.0 or higher. It is not compatible with iOS.
To Set Health Connect as your Step Source:
Open MyFitnessPal app
Find Steps under the Menu (More...)
Select Health Connect
What Syncs Between Health Connect and MyFitnessPal?
Whenever a users logs food on MFP, it will automatically be posted to Health Connect, where it will appear as a meal summary (not individual foods). Meal summaries will sync starting on the day the two accounts are linked.
Please note: Only the default Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Snack headers will sync to their associated meal. Custom Meal names will not sync to Health Connect, foods logged under a custom heading will be displayed under "Other" as one sync.
These items are synced to the user’s MyFitnessPal account and can be viewed at by clicking "My Home" then "Check-In" on the website, or by reviewing the "Progress" area in the Android app.
When a user logs their cardio exercise on MyFitnessPal, this information is synced to their Health Connect account. Cardio Exercise synced to Health Connect from third party apps will sync to MyFitnessPal as long as they have a duration and calorie burn and are synced before midnight of the date performed.
Please note: Exercise logged in MyFitnessPal through other third-party apps (Garmin, Polar, etc) will not sync to Health Connect.
Water consumption logged in MyFitnessPal will sync to the user’s Health Connect account. This sync only works in one direction, so the user must log water consumption in MyFitnessPal only for this to work.
Users who sync their Glucose information from their Dexcom G6 app to Google Health Connect can view that information in the MyFitnessPal Android application.
Users who sync their Sleep information into Health Connect can view that information in the MyFitnessPal application.
